Friday, June 17, 2011

Little saying about Hijab.

Oh no, flu!

Guess the cold weather and being caught in the rain for few times this week cause me this flu. Nevertheless, Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah for still providing me with healthy body and mind and most importantly for giving me the chance to still breathe today.

When I was sitting at the living room just now, one of my homies read a quotation which was written by one of our friends at Uni on her Facebook page.. I found it amazing and a great reminder to all Muslim women out there including myself.

"You may dislike the thought of the Hijab and keep saying you will wear it when you're older. Truth is one day you will be wrapped around fully covered head to toe and lowered into your grave. Don't let your last day on earth be the first day you wear your Hijab!..." 

SubhanaAllah although I am now a full Hijabi girl, this statement really points direct to the heart.

Thank you Allah for Your reminder. 

May everyone get the benefit from this insyaAllah.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

smiling and grinning.

I feel like smiling all day long.

:) :) :) :)

Alhamdulillah I am in a good mood today, so whoever happens to terserempak (bump) into me today at Macquarie Centre or the library, you might be lucky cause I feel like belanja-ing people.

Joking, guys.

Okay I'm starting to talk nonsense.

Exam in 4 days. Back to serious mode.

... Still smiling ...

:) :) :) :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Avoiding discrimination

The other day when I was doing research for my Bilingualism assignment, I came across this one journal article about the education system for bilingual children in United States. Just a quick summary, the article pointed out that there was not enough resources provided for Creole-speaking Haitian children in the country, compare to the amount of bilingual education provided for Chinese and Spanish-speaking children.

The reason was simple. Discrimination towards the Haitian ethnic and also Creole-language itself was the major drive that cause this scene to happen. Since they both were originated from a third world country, the education authorities felt that it was not worth the money spent on them. It's quite contrastive to the case of Chinese and Spanish children as both languages came from more developed countries. You know, providing enough educational resources such as bilingual Creole-English books etc., it could take an enormous amount of moolahs.

Why does America, as they claim them being the 'hero of democracy', can't provide a fair education for all ethnics in the country itself?


It really makes me ponder when reading the article.

As a future teacher, would I be able to provide fair education to my students later? Would I not have the feeling of favouritism towards certain students? I'm a normal being with feelings but I hope I won't get too carried away in teaching.

Teaching isn't merely about mastery of all the theories learnt in university as it is also about adjusting it to fit the real situation in the classroom.

Teaching ain't easy. We might not need to deal with numbers or scientific stuffs like other job areas but we are dealing with the most complicated creation -- Human.


p/s: To those who are interested in reading the article can email me so I can give you the pdf copy of it.

As referred from 'Haitian Creole Language and Bilingual Education in the United States: Problem,
Right, or Resource?' by Flore Zephir in Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (1997).

The thing that makes a girl happy

What is it that could make a girl smile all day long?

SHOPPING, of course!

I went to DFO shopping centre in Homebush this afternoon to get some seasonal stuffs - you know, coats, boots and other things. It's currently really chilly out there and I just needed to update my winter wardrobe with stuffs that could warm me when I'm out. I didn't buy much however.

These were the only things I bought.

Honestly, it was not much right? I mean, Paris Hilton would have spent more than I did. :P
Plus, you wouldn't want to see me standing outside in the cold shivering to death, would you? *wink*

The best thing that I bought was these thongs! It was only $2 from Cotton On.

The reason they were the highlight of the day? Cause I now have new bathroom slippers! The other day I fell down in the bathroom cause the Roxy slipper that I had was old enough that it had lost its grips. The result to that incident was - 3 big blue beautiful bruises on my shoulder and ankle.

Now I am the happiest person to enter the bathroom cause I got new funky blue-striped thongs which I couldn't take my eyes off from. Okay over. Just for the time being as it is still new.

Till then, toodles! :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fresh look!

I sent in my final assignment for this semester last night and now I am temporarily free! At least until the 20th of June where I'll be sitting for EDUC371 Children Reading Acquisition paper - the one and only paper for this sem (err can't quite remember the name of the unit but it sounds more or less like that). My whole day today was spent on making a total makeover to this blog page! I'm quite happy with the way it looks now. Feel rejuvenated and inspired to write more frequently. Hehe.

It's winter now in Sydney and Vivid Sydney annual event has started. I am actually going out later tonight to watch the event with my peeps.

Off for now! <3