Friday, August 20, 2010

Salam Perantau 2010

Alhamdulillah, I've successfully posted a Eidul Fitri wish for my family and friends in Malaysia through our mainstream newspapers. Utusan, Kosmo, Berita Harian and Harian Metro. this is the link for one of them.

For all the four newspapers, the wish and picture is the same. *The girls in the picture were my housemates :)* So I decided to post only one here.

Years before this, that column of the newspaper was my favourite one - the one that I was always eagerly waiting for to read when Ramadhan started. Well, it still is. It's very entertaining and inspiring to see all the faces and places of Malaysians around the world. I still remember when I was around 9-10 years old, I have a cousin who used to study in the States. Can't really remember which uni she was in, but she posted a picture of herself (and her friends) on that page during the month of Ramadhan. Our big family was so excited and so proud of her. Since then, I always read that column and look at the pictures and people overseas. Now it's my turn. I'm the one who will be in that column. Being away from the family is hard, but knowing I'm in their hearts, it makes it thousand times easier. Pray for my success, insyaAllah. :)

Not the first time.

Hey everyone, thanks for dropping by at my blog. This is not my first time writing blogs, in fact I had two personal blogs previously but I got tired of writing (and started to write nonsense things), so I decided to close them up. But now I realized the world is too beautiful to just be kept to myself, as I feel I want to share what I see, know, feel and think of the world around me, with all of you (those who care, obviously). My method of writing, yeah I started with writing the drafts on my MicrosoftOneNote, they helped a lot.

Just a glimpse of my drafts on OneNote

Thanks to my friend Ali, she inspired me to post my writings on the blog, as she accidentally read them over my lappie the other day.

So, how did you start your day today? Drive to work? Walk to campus? Or take the bike to class? (like my housemates and I do) :). In any way we start our days, do we ever take note of the world around us? Do we really see the blue sky and the white clouds? Do we hear the birds chirping when we step out of our houses? Do we notice that the leaves on trees, they have a variety of green colour? Or at least.. do we feel grateful when eating the food for our breakfast?.. Sometimes we are too busy with our lives that we forgot to see how beautiful the world around us is. So here I would like to share my favourite line from the Quran.. the meaning is:

Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, silih bergantinya malam dan siang, bahtera yang berlayar di laut membawa apa yang berguna bagi manusia, dan apa yang Allah turunkan dari langit berupa air, lalu dengan air itu Dia hidupkan bumi sesudah mati (kering)-nya dan Dia sebarkan di bumi itu segala jenis hewan, dan pengisaran angin dan awan yang dikendalikan antara langit dan bumi; sungguh (terdapat) tanda-tanda (keesaan dan kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang memikirkan. 

The environment around us should make us feel grateful. Just look at the shift of the moon and the sun, the touch of wind on our faces, the animals that are alive... They are all signs of Allah's power.. if we are among the thinkers.

Till then, Assalam. May Allah bless and shower all of you with His love and berkah during this Ramadhan. :)

Here is one favourite video of mine, hope you will get some inspiration from it insyaAllah.